Posted on April 13, 2020 in Domestic Violence

Police say they have seen an increase in calls reporting domestic violence over the past few weeks. The restrictions put in place to try slowing down the spread of the virus has resulted in most Americans confined to their homes for weeks now. The economic impact of these measures has been felt by the vast majority of the country too. Not surprisingly, the substantial increase of police responding to domestic violence reports can be attributed to COVID-19-prompted lockdowns. Financial stress with people losing their jobs, their income, and their purpose.

Unfortunately, many people live paycheck to paycheck. The financial stress increases the likelihood of domestic violence. Similar increases in domestic violence have been documented after natural disasters, such as Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Families are stuck in a confined place with their significant other and their children day after day with no escape. Tensions build, and there is no release. People typically get a respite from their family during work hours. This confinement, along with anxiety surrounding health concerns associated with this virus and potential financial stresses, can be the perfect storm leading to an argument that gets out of hand. If you find yourself involved in a physical situation, contact a domestic violence attorney in Phoenix as soon as possible.

Overview of Domestic Violence Charges in Arizona

It may come as a surprise that domestic violence crimes are a common occurrence in Arizona. They should not be taken lightly, but the impact of a conviction of a domestic violence conviction can be devastating to a person’s life and future. Domestic violence charges can result from a wide variety of circumstances of violent or aggressive behavior in any type of domestic relationship inside the home. Usually, when the police come out to a domestic violence call, they will arrest someone and book them into jail overnight if there is probable cause that domestic violence occurred. This breaks up the family and the fighting.

A day or two later, when the arrested person is released, the judge will put pre-trial conditions of release that will preclude the detained person from having contact with the victim until the case is resolved, which can take several months. This excludes the opportunity for domestic violence to occur. Moreover, being booked into jail for a night or two has a chilling effect on committing domestic violence. The mere arrest for domestic violence can damage relationships and reputations for years, even if the charge turns out to be false.

Can I get Arrested for Domestic Violence During Coronavirus?

The reports that police are making fewer arrests and defendants not going to jail out of fears during the coronavirus pandemic, and Courts reducing the number of hearings is accurate to some degree. But this is not true for cases related to incidents of domestic violence. The police are still working within communities responding to reports of domestic violence calls. Arrests for domestic violence have actually increased; the issue of domestic abuse coming to the forefront is forcing attorneys, judges, and the legal system to take aggressive action to protect the victims of these offenses. Prosecutors and judges take domestic violence crimes very seriously, especially at this time. Judges are NOT looking kindly on acts of domestic violence occurring during the stay at home restrictions. 

What to Do If I am Charged with Domestic Violence During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Contact an experienced Phoenix criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Domestic violence charges are a serious problem for everyone involved. Here at AZ Defenders, we understand that especially right now, the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic restrictions can lead to more opportunities for arguments that may get out of hand. What can lead to domestic violence or assault charges may have been an isolated incident. Given the harsh penalties associated with domestic violence charges in Arizona, it is imperative that you seek to consult with a criminal defense professional regarding your case. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys here at AZ Defenders’ goal is to resolve the complicated issues and charges surrounding domestic violence and abuse efficiently and effectively for men, women, and children, and particularly for those falsely accused of domestic abuse. Our local criminal defense attorneys can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will come get you or a loved one out of jail. AZ Defenders is fully operational, contact us to get our team of attorneys working on your case immediately without risk call. In addition to in person consultations, we can talk with you safely by phone or one of the many video conferencing platforms available out there. Contact us online or call now at 480-456-6400.


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