Auto theft crimes in Arizona have serious consequences. If convicted, you could face lengthy probation, large fines, jail, or even prison. With over 100 years of combined legal experience, the attorneys and staff at AZ Defenders have successfully represented hundreds of people accused of various auto theft crimes. If you or a loved one was charged with an auto theft crime, speak with an experienced Phoenix auto theft lawyer at our firm as soon as possible.

Why Trust AZ Defenders With Your Auto Theft Charge?

Choosing your defense lawyer during an auto theft criminal case in Phoenix takes care. You must pick the representative that best suits your needs. Look for experience in your type of charge, successful case results and an attorney you can trust. Clients from all over Arizona count on AZ Defenders to help them with the most complicated criminal cases.

  • We understand how much our clients have to lose. Our lawyers fight aggressively to secure the best possible outcomes for auto theft defendants.
  • We offer exceptional skills and resources. The criminal defense lawyers at AZ Defenders have over 100 years of combined experience.
  • We have a positive reputation in Arizona. Through years of successfully representing clients, we have earned the respect of those in our community.
  • We offer 100% free and confidential consultations. Contact us 24/7 for a free consultation with a Phoenix auto theft attorney about your case. We do not charge for initial reviews.

We know people make mistakes. Whether you committed the crime in question or not, we can advocate for you to ensure the fairness of the justice system. We can help you understand your rights, protect them and craft a personalized defense strategy. Our Phoenix defense lawyers may be able to talk down your auto theft charge, negotiate for lesser penalties, or achieve an acquittal on your behalf.

Phoenix Auto Theft Attorney

Arizona Auto Theft Laws

One of the first steps in protecting your rights during an auto theft case is understanding Arizona’s related laws. The State of Arizona takes auto theft seriously. It is one of the top 10 states in the nation for the number of vehicles stolen per year. Arizona uses strict laws to help prevent this type of crime. The official definition of auto theft in Arizona (ARS 13-1814) is taking another person’s means of transportation without that person’s consent. You could also face this charge if you use a vehicle lawfully in your possession in a way that acts outside of the owner’s permission. Means of transportation can refer to any type of vehicle.

You could break Arizona’s auto theft law in many ways, not just by stealing someone’s vehicle. If a jury finds you guilty of taking someone else’s vehicle, controlling a vehicle in a way that excludes the property owner or withholding the property interest of someone else, you could face serious penalties. The sentences for auto theft in Arizona can range from probation to 25 years in prison, along with significant fines. Navigating Arizona’s auto theft laws and how they apply to the criminal case against you may take assistance from an attorney. The Phoenix auto theft lawyers at AZ Defenders have significant experience with this practice area. We know how to help defendants in your situation.

Theft of Means of Transportation (Grand Theft Auto)

The following are class 3 felony offenses and they can punishable by probation, fines, jail, or even prison depending on criminal history. A conviction will also result in a mandatory revocation on the convicted person’s driver’s license.

A person commits theft of means of transportation if, without lawful authority, the person knowingly does one of the following:

  • Controls another person’s means of transportation with the intent to permanently deprive the person of the means of transportation.
  • Converts for an unauthorized term or use another person’s means of transportation that is entrusted to or placed in the defendant’s possession for a limited, authorized term or use.
  • Obtains another person’s means of transportation by means of any material misrepresentation with intent to permanently deprive the person of the means of transportation.
  • Comes into control of another person’s means of transportation that is lost or misdelivered under circumstances providing means of inquiry as to the true owner and appropriates the means of transportation to the person’s own or another’s use without reasonable efforts to notify the true owner.
  • Controls another person’s means of transportation knowing or having reason to know that the property is stolen.

If you are facing charges and would like to learn more about grand theft auto in Arizona, speak with a Phoenix theft lawyer experienced in auto theft crimes.

Unlawful Use of Means of Transportation (Joyriding)

A person commits unlawful use of means of transportation if, without intent permanently to deprive, the person either:

  • Knowingly takes unauthorized control over another person’s means of transportation.This is a class 5 felony offense and can be punishable by probation, fines, jail, or even prison depending on criminal history. A conviction will also result in a mandatory revocation on the convicted person’s driver’s license.
  • Knowingly is transported or physically located in a vehicle that the person knows or has reason to know is in the unlawful possession of another person pursuant to paragraph 1 or section 13-1814.This is a class 6 felony offense and can be punishable by probation, fines, jail, or even prison depending on criminal history. A conviction will also result in a mandatory revocation on the convicted person’s driver’s license.

If you were charged with unlawful use of means of transportation in Arizona, reach out to a knowledgeable Phoenix auto theft lawyer as soon as possible to learn your legal rights. Joyriding convictions come with strict penalties that can impact the rest of your life.

Defenses to Auto Theft Crimes

Several legal defenses may apply to your auto theft case. One of the most common is lack of evidence. It is essential for competent attorneys to find weak points in the prosecutor’s case. AZ Defenders will utilize the best legal defense available to provide our clients the best possible outcome. Over the years our Phoenix auto theft attorneys have successfully utilized the following defenses to auto theft crimes:

  • No proof of intent. To convict someone of auto theft, the prosecution must prove that you were in possession of the vehicle with the intent to steal the car. If prosecutors cannot adequately prove your intent to deprive the owner permanently of the vehicle, a jury might find you not guilty.
  • Claim of right of property. Evidence that the driver (or passenger for unlawful means) had permission to drive or ride in the vehicle or had a good faith belief that they had permission. It may be a valid defense to state that you had a good faith belief the vehicle was yours or you had a rightful claim to it.
  • Police misconduct. Suppression of evidence due to fourth, fifth, and/or sixth amendment violations by the government (including illegal searches, illegally forced confessions, right-to-counsel violations, and Miranda violations).

It is very important to trust your auto theft case with an experienced auto theft lawyer in Phoenix. The right attorney can create a personalized defense strategy for your specific needs. A comprehensive defense could save you from facing the most serious penalties possible for your alleged auto theft crime. Speak to a lawyer from AZ Defenders as soon as possible as someone involved in an auto theft case.

Auto Theft Lawyer Phoenix

Contact a Top Phoenix Auto Theft Attorney Today

If you are charged with an auto theft offense, regardless of its classification, you need the services of an experienced, aggressive, and effective Phoenix auto theft lawyer on your side. The consequences can be dire and you need someone to help you get the best possible result in your individual case. Contact the AZ Defenders by calling (480) 456-6400 or contact us online for a free consultation today.

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