If your child has been arrested for allegedly committing a crime in Arizona, you need to act as soon as possible. The experienced Chandler juvenile crimes lawyers at AZ Defenders have the experience necessary to formulate a defense strategy to protect the rights of your child. Just because a child is a minor does not mean that any punishment they receive will be non-eventful. A conviction could impact the rest of their life, so let us get to work immediately.

Why Do You Need the Team at AZ Defenders?

When the future of your child’s life is at stake, you need to turn to an attorney you can trust both personally and professionally. At AZ Defenders, we are ready to help today.

  • Our lawyers bring over two decades of combined legal experience in criminal law to your case.
  • Our Chandler juvenile crimes lawyers are not afraid to aggressively pursue justice for your child.
  • We offer white-glove service to your entire family throughout the entirety of your case.

Chandler Juvenile Attorney

Juvenile Crimes Can Have Lifelong Impacts

When someone under the age of 18 in Arizona allegedly commits a crime, they are typically charged as a juvenile instead of as an adult. Arizona has different laws and processes in place for dealing with juvenile offenders, including a different set of punishments.

However, there is not much difference between the types of crimes committed by an adult and a minor. Some of the most common crimes that our firm helps juvenile offenders and their families deal with include the following:

This is certainly not a complete list of charges that a juvenile could face in Arizona. If your child is facing any charges, please speak to a Chandler criminal defense attorney immediately. Some of the penalties that a minor could face upon conviction include:

  • Intensive probation
  • Fines and restitution
  • Community service
  • Serving time in a juvenile correction facility
  • Facing charges as an adult

How Will An Attorney Help During Our Case?

When you secure a Chandler juvenile crimes attorney, you are ensuring that your child has the legal representation they need for their case. With so much at stake and a child’s future on the line, you should not rely on a public defender. An attorney will work diligently to formulate various strategies for a child’s defense. This could include:

  • Proving that the child did not commit the crime in question
  • Showing that a child was not mentally capable of understanding the consequences of their actions
  • Proving that the police did not follow proper procedures when handling the offense
  • Showing the child’s rights were violated by law enforcement

An attorney will also be vital for helping through the sentencing phase. The goal, if a child is convicted of a crime, is to ensure that they have the resources necessary to completely rehabilitate and re-enter society with a fresh start.

We Are Here to Support You

If your child has been charged with a crime in Arizona, you need to turn attorney with vast experience handling these cases. At AZ Defenders, not only do we have extensive criminal law experience, but we have a proud history of standing up for the rights of minors. We will handle every aspect of your case in an effort to get the charges against your child reduced or dismissed. When you need a Chandler juvenile crime attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling (480) 456-6400.


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