Category: Drug Possession

Drug Possession Laws in Arizona

August 11, 2021 | Drug Crimes,Drug Possession

Arizona is clear in its anti-drug laws: the possession or use of any illicit substance is illegal and can result in criminal charges for felony drug possession. Depending on the type of drug in your possession, the amount involved, your intent for possessing the drug and your criminal history, the penalties for drug possession in… read more

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What is Proposition 200, Anyways?

June 25, 2019 | Drug Crimes,Drug Possession,Drug Sales,drugs

Proposition 200 was a voter initiative passed in Arizona in 1996 that provided substantial protections for those people charged with possessing drugs. The law was enacted as Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-901.01 and has been modified over its lifetime to change which drugs are eligible for Proposition 200’s protections. Continue reading to learn more about… read more

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