July 15, 2019 | assault & violent crimes
Drivers in Arizona who are arrested for a DUI can face license suspension even if they are never convicted of a crime. The reason for this is that Arizona’s Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) handles driving privileges as a separate proceeding from the criminal charge. Arizona considers driving a privilege, not a right. The government reserves… read more
Read MoreJune 27, 2019 | assault & violent crimes
There are several ways that police officers are able to spot drunk drivers. Regardless of whether the stop is made on the road or through a DUI checkpoint, there are several characteristics that have been shown to indicate impaired driving. This type of behavior is what police officers and highway patrolmen look for when searching… read more
Read MoreJune 25, 2019 | Drug Crimes,Drug Possession,Drug Sales,drugs
Proposition 200 was a voter initiative passed in Arizona in 1996 that provided substantial protections for those people charged with possessing drugs. The law was enacted as Arizona Revised Statutes § 13-901.01 and has been modified over its lifetime to change which drugs are eligible for Proposition 200’s protections. Continue reading to learn more about… read more
Read MoreJune 18, 2019 | Defense Strategies,Theft & Shoplifting
In Arizona, there is one major problem with the self-exclusion process in Arizona casinos. If you have a gambling problem, casinos have a process for these individuals. This process is where they can inform the casino of their gambling problem and can voluntarily request to be banned from the casino. This is known as the… read more
Read MoreJune 18, 2019 | Defense Strategies
What constitutes self-defense in Arizona? Can I protect myself if I’m afraid someone is going to hurt me? You can, if you act reasonably. Read on to learn more about the self-defense laws in Arizona and if you have any further questions, speak with a qualified Phoenix criminal defense attorney. Arizona’s self defense statutes are… read more
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