Month: July 2024

Arizona Class 1 Misdemeanor Crimes

July 18, 2024 | General

Arizona criminal law statutes group crimes into three broad categories of severity: petty offenses, misdemeanor offenses, and felony crimes. Here, we take an in-depth look at what a Class 1 Arizona misdemeanor is, what it can mean to you to be convicted of one, and how having the right criminal defense attorney on your side… read more

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Class 2 Misdemeanor Arizona Crimes

July 18, 2024 | General

Arizona has many kinds of criminal laws: petty offenses, misdemeanors, felony offenses, and even additional classes of laws within felonies and misdemeanor offenses. If you are not an experienced Arizona criminal defense lawyer, it can be confusing to sort them all out. On this page, we simplify how to understand Arizona’s criminal laws by closely… read more

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Class 4 Felony Crimes in Arizona

July 3, 2024 | General

The Arizona legal system provides prosecutors and courts with many options to punish people who commit a criminal offense that the state wants to discourage. Aside from petty offenses, misdemeanor laws deal with minor infractions and are punishable by jail time. Felony laws exist to sanction more serious criminal offenses and carry a prison sentence… read more

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Class 3 Felony Crimes in Arizona

July 1, 2024 | General

Arizona law divides crimes into two main types: less serious crimes are classified as misdemeanors, and more serious crimes are classified as felonies. Felonies carry heavier penalties, like prison time instead of county jail, longer incarceration sentences, and more costly financial penalties. At the AZ Defenders law firm, we represent clients charged with misdemeanors and… read more

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