Month: August 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Sex Crimes in Arizona

August 21, 2023 | Sex Crimes

Navigating the legal landscape that surrounds sex crime cases in Arizona can be made easier with this Comprehensive Guide to Sex Crimes. In this guide, you will receive valuable information about the different types of sex crimes in Arizona, the potential sentences and penalties associated with sex crime convictions, and what to expect from the… read more

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Am I Allowed to Travel Internationally as a Registered Sex Offender?

August 13, 2023 | Sex Crimes

Being convicted of a sex crime in Arizona can have wide-ranging consequences. One possibility is becoming a registered sex offender – something that will follow you for life. As a registered sex offender, you may be barred from entering certain countries. Whether or not you can travel to an international destination depends on the rules… read more

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Coping With the Emotional Impact of a Sex Crime Charge

August 10, 2023 | Sex Crimes

Being charged with a sex crime in Arizona is one of the worst things that could ever happen to a person. The prospect of jail or prison time, a permanent criminal record, registration on the Sex Offender List, and significant legal fees and fines can lead to immense emotional distress for the person accused. Coping… read more

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How Do Sexual Assault Cases Differ From Aggravated Assault?

August 5, 2023 | Sex Crimes

Sexual offenses are heavily penalized in Arizona, with sentences that could impact the defendant for the rest of his or her life, if convicted. Sexual assault crimes can come with a sentence of more than a decade in prison, for example, as well as lifetime registration on Arizona’s Sex Offender List. Aggravated sexual assault is… read more

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What Are the Consequences of Indecent Exposure in Arizona?

August 2, 2023 | Criminal Defense,Sex Crimes

Indecent exposure is the crime of exposing an individual’s private parts with a reckless disregard as to whether a person who was present at the time would be offended or alarmed by the act. If you are convicted of indecent exposure in Arizona, you could face a variety of potential consequences that can have a… read more

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