Month: March 2022

Your Rights When Detained or Arrested at a Protest

March 30, 2022 | Defense Strategies

Protesting is a fundamental right under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. However, protests can go wrong and become riots or unlawful assemblies – sometimes resulting in the detainment or arrest of protesters. In some cases, the police have even been known to unlawfully detain protesters for any reason or no reason at all…. read more

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Is It Illegal to Protest?

March 23, 2022 | Criminal Defense,News

For centuries, protests have been a way for the public to make changes on a political, social or economic level. Protesting is an important form of freedom of speech, as well as a way for the public to petition the government. It is protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. However, this does… read more

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